pac manager failure on debian stretch

After upgrading my laptop from Jessie 8.8 to Debian 9 Stretch on the 19th of June, 2017, PAC Manager stopped working. Specifically, it would start, but hanged when I tried to open a connection, either ssh or local. After searching around, I found the following post which seems to have given the solution: The … Read more

debian post-installation

Useful utilities I like to install after a fresh Debian installation (or on a running system): vim-nox debfoster localepurge htop iotop mytop latencytop sysstat debian-archive-keyring (to avoid apt-get update warnings) apticron (list available updates of installed packages along with the differences in the two versions) hdparm (measure I/O speeds) virt-what (decide if we are running inside … Read more